How it works

We provide you with sessions to learn evidence based techniques along with human coaching to help you make the most of what you learn.

  • Welcome Call

    An optional welcome call to explain the process and provide guidance on where to focus

  • Videos

    Watch videos designed by a trained therapist to teach you the techniques

  • Activities

    Weekly activities and challenges to help you put your new knowledge to use

What does the course cover?

The Eggshells course is an entirely new offer that will teach you the same techniques used by therapists (but without the price-tag). The concepts and techniques are drawn from a range of areas including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Compassion Focused Therapy and Eastern Philosophy. We take an insight led approach to get you to feeling better much quicker.

    1. Book your welcome call

    2. Introduction to the Eggshells Experience

    3. Welcome and a quick survey

    4. Worry and anxiety (GAD-7)

    5. Low mood (PHQ-9)

    6. Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS)

    1. Instructions

    2. [CONTENTS] What we'll cover in Week 1

    3. [CONCEPT] Thinking about our needs

    4. [CONCEPT] A new model for needs

    5. [ACTIVITY] - Our needs & disruption

    6. [CONCEPT] An introduction to cycles

    7. [CONCEPT] Not what's wrong with you but what happened to you

    8. [EXAMPLES] - Cycles related to relationships

    9. [ACTIVITY INTRO] - Cycles

    10. [ACTIVITY] - Cycles

    11. [TAKEAWAY TASKS] Week 1


    1. [CONTENTS] - What we'll cover in Week 2

    2. [CONCEPT] Neuroplasticity a.k.a. building your mental muscles

    3. [CONCEPT] - Negativity Bias

    4. [CONCEPT] - Belief tree

    5. [ACTIVITY] - Your tree

    6. [CONCEPT] - Negative Automatic Thoughts

    7. [ACTIVITY] Which NATs do you do?

    8. [TAKEAWAY TASKS] Week 2


    1. [CONTENTS] - What we'll cover in Week 3

    2. [CONCEPT] Three systems

    3. [ACTIVITY] - Think about your three systems

    4. [CONCEPT] Polyvagal ladder

    5. [ACTIVITY] - Polyvagal Theory / The Ladder

    6. [TECHNIQUE] - Activating your soothing system

    7. [ACTIVITY] - Thinking about your soothing system

    8. [TECHNIQUE] - Challenging Unhelpful thinking

    9. [ACTIVITY INTRO] - Challenging unhelpful thinking

    10. [ACTIVITY] - Challenging unhelpful thinking

    11. [TAKEAWAY TASKS] Week 3

    12. [QUESTIONS & FEEDBACK] Week 3

    1. [CONTENTS] - What we'll cover

    2. [CONCEPT] - Ideal Self vs. Self Image

    3. [ACTIVITY] - Thinking about your self image

    4. [TECHNIQUE] - Positive Beliefs

    5. [ACTIVITY] - Positive Beliefs

    6. [TECHNIQUE] - Strengths

    7. [ACTIVITY] - Strengths

    8. [TECHNIQUE] - Gratitude journaling

    9. [ACTIVITY] - Gratitude journalling

    10. [TAKEAWAY TASKS] Week 4


About this course

  • Four weeks of sessions to learn the techniques
  • Activities to put them into practice
  • 20 (with money back guarantee)


“I’ve been considering therapy for years now but never got round to it. I saw this flyer it just really resonated with me. I thought - that's it, that’s exactly what I need, just some techniques to deal with life”

Male, 19-30 yrs, London

“This content is unlike anything I've ever seen before - it's super interesting”

Female, 19-30 yrs, London

“The course asked me really thought provoking questions that helped me consider what I wanted from my life”

Female, 19-30 yrs, London

Want to get started?

Sign up today to schedule your first call with your coach